Wednesday, July 31, 2019


The Buddha went from Bodhgaya to Sarnath about 5 weeks after his enlightenment. Before Gautama (the Buddha-to-be) attained enlightenment, he gave up his austere penances and his friends, the Pancavaggiya monks, left him and went to Isipatana. [4] After attaining Enlightenment the Buddha, leaving Uruvela, travelled to the Isipatana to Join and teach them. He went to them because, using his spiritual powers, he had seen that his five former companions would be able to understand Dharma quickly.While travelling to Sarnath, Gautama Buddha had to cross the Ganges. Having no money with which to pay the ferryman, he crossed the Ganges through the air. When King Bimbis ¤ra heard of this, he abolished the toll for ascetics. When Gautama Buddha found his five former companions, he taught them, they understood and as a result they also became enlightened. At that time the Sangha, the community of the enlightened ones, was founded. The sermon Buddha gave to the five monks was his irst sermon, called the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta.It was given on the full-moon day of Asalha PuJa. [5] Buddha subsequently also spent his first rainy season at Sarnath[6] at the Mulagandhakuti. The Sangha had grown to 60 in number (after Yasa and his friends had become monks), and Buddha sent them out in all directions to travel alone and teach the Dharma. All 60 monks were Arahants. Several other incidents connected with the Buddha, besides the preaching of the first sermon, are entioned as having taken place in Isipatana.Here it was that one day at dawn Yasa came to the Buddha and became an Arahant. [7] It was at Isipatana, too, that the rule was passed prohibiting the use of sandals made of talipot leaves. [8] On another occasion when the Buddha was staying at Isipatana, having gone there from R ¤Jagaha, he instituted rules forbidding the use of certain kinds of flesh, including human flesh. [9] Twice, while the Buddha was at Isipatana, M ¤ra visited him but had to go away discomfited. [10]

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Coming Of Age Personal Essay Essay

Everybody experiences coming of age in their lifetime. Coming of age is the transition from childhood to adulthood. My coming of age started in the middle of my grade 8 year and has continued up until the present. So, for me coming of age has occurred from grades 8-10. The three steps that really defined my coming of age was my traveling to Europe, starting high school and getting my first job at Tim Horton’s. My first step in my coming of age was traveling to Europe with my aunt and uncle. Firstly, I was not with my parents which made me feel more self-reliant. This was my first time riding on a plane and traveling for more than a week without my parent so at the time it seemed like a big deal. I felt that because I was not being watched over as heavily, I was more responsible and was growing up. Secondly, I was starting to travel the world for the first time and it made me think of my future. It reminded me that when I was old enough, there were going to be endless possibilities to what I could accomplish and where I could go. This is definitely an important step in growing up. Realizing that you need to start preparing for your future and start to figure out what you want to do and where you want to go. Lastly, I made new older friends that made me feel like I was growing up and expanding my â€Å"bubble†. The people I met were older then I was and were so friendly. I felt more m ature around them. Meeting new people if all part of â€Å"coming of age†. This is why traveling to Europe was the first step for me to start maturing and to start coming of age. The second step I took towards my coming of age was when I started attending high school at Sir William Mulock Secondary School. Starting high school was a big change from elementary because there was a lot more responsibility. The teachers do not come after you for late assignments and there is a lot more homework that is necessary to complete. This helped me prepare myself for after high school when my employers will need me to show initiative when completing tasks. So therefore, this was a big step in my coming of age. Secondly, when you are in high school, authorities start to treat you as a mature young adult. This means that they have fast paced learning environments and expect you to show up for class. If you miss to many classes you will not pass the course. This taught me to push myself when I was tired or sick which is a big part of growing up. When you are an adult working full time, you can’t skip work when you aren’t feeling well. So for these reasons, starting high school was a big step in my coming of age. The last and most recent step towards my coming of age was starting my part time job at Tim Horton’s. Having this job as my first job was a big responsibility. In order to keep my job I had to show up on time, manage my extracurricular activities and homework around working, ask a lot of questions and deal with co-workers. This added responsibility helped me to start to understand what working will be like once I have graduated high school. Thinking ahead for the future and obtaining responsibility is part of coming of age. Also, for this job I had to learn many new skills. When you are starting a new job there are many techniques you have yet to master such as operating the cash register and making food/beverages as well as customer service skills. Learning all of this helped to me feel more mature and useful. Lastly, the job provided me with a steady flow of cash. Earning money was something that I had never experienced before and it gave me a good feeling. It made me self-r eliant , which is a big part of growing up. Having my own money and being able to spend it on what I want is also a test to see if I can make good decisions or not as well as teaching me money management. This is an important skill for when I have moved out. Therefore , getting my own job was the most recent step in my coming of age. So for these reason, I think that my coming of age happened over my grade 8-10 years. I am not done growing up yet, but the main events leading up to this day that have started my coming of age were my traveling to Europe, starting high school and getting my first job. There will be many more events in my future that will continue my coming of age in the future, but for now I am young and am excited for the growing that I still have to do.

Monday, July 29, 2019

African American Heritage In Chicago

African American Heritage In Chicago Essay A History of African American Heritage in Chicago The massive exodus to the north began in 1915; a population of people weary of pervasive hostility and constraint in their former lives, fleeing a social system comprised of miserable oppression and repeated violence. The primary cities for resettlement became New York and Chicago, metropolises humming with the vigor of big-city life and the excitement of a new beginning. When the Chicago Commission asked African American migrants in interviews on Race Relations in 1922 why they came to Chicago, responses were similar. ?Im looking for better wages.? ?I wanted to get away from the South, and to earn more money.? ?I wanted to better my living conditions. ? One man, when asked what his first impression of Chicago was, responded ?When I got here and got on the street cars and saw colored people sitting by white people all over the car I just held my breath, for I thought that any minute they would start something, then I saw nobody noticed it, and I just thought this was a real place for colored people.? And life was good; if not ideal it was better than the disparaging environment of their prior residence in the South. This migration coincided with the War. Job opportunities sprang up everywhere as demand increased for more goods and services, and suddenly in 1920 the Negro population of Chicago had soared from 44,103 in 1915 to 109,594. The Illinois Central Railroad brought hundreds on free transportation, on the premise that they would employ their company. The Negro employment rate skyrocketed; the most popular jobs lying within the iron foundries, food products manufacturing, the tanneries, and the mail order industry. The major ity of blacks coming from the south settled in a limited area known as the South Side. Named the ?black belt of the city,? it was the most concentrated area of the African American population of the time. The difficulty of finding residence in the other parts of the city and the abundance of vacant houses aided in this settlement of the South Side. However, as deep-seated racial prejudice was still running rampant throughout the nation, loud protests erupted and whites quickly abandoned residential areas populated by blacks. Underlying racial hostility between blacks and whites was unfortunately gaining momentum. On July 27, 1919, this animosity was demonstrated in a terrible week of rioting beginning with the drowning of African-American youth Eugene Williams off a Lake Michigan beach. This event was a catalyst for a weeklong violent, bloody warfare. As black workers walked or rode the streetcars west and arrived to begin their shifts at the Stockyards, they were met by angry mobs of white gangs and workers, who attacked them mercilessly and drove them off. The mobs were beyond control. African American community members armed themselves and prepared to defend themselves and their homes against armed white gangs who tore into their neighborhood. The end of the week concluded in death tolls of 23 blacks and 15 whites, 157 persons being injured. The Chicago Commission on Race Relations was established soon after these staggering race riots, to study the roots and causes of the conflict. Their report on Chicago in 1992, with interviews of hundreds of black Chicago citizens, provided an insightful window into the race problem in the North, which attention was being drawn to due to the Great Migration. States the Chicago Commission on Race Relations in the document The Negro in Chicago, ?Both races need to understand that their rights and duties are mutual and equal, and that their interests in the common good are identical: that relations of amity are the only protection against race clashes; that these relations cannot be forced, but will come naturally as the leaders of each race develop within their own ranks a realization of the gravity of this problem and a vital interest in its solution, and an attitude of confidence, res pect, and friendliness toward the people of the other race. READ: Recycling Essay? The conflicts between blacks and whites have since subsided a great amount, but residue from the memories of violence and hatred still prevails. It will be a momentous day when we can be united as one indiscriminate, unbiased race, but that day has yet to come.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Questions answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Questions answer - Essay Example In addition, the European press always presented war in a romantic analogy. Diplomacy was mainly tied to alliance systems between the central and the allied powers. The Central Powers comprised of Germany, Italy and Austro-Hungary while the allies included France, Britain and Russia (Shaara 8). In fact, according to the print media, warfare was a matter of nationalistic pride. This war was also facilitated by the ignorant nature of the citizens and their apathetic nature to foreign affairs. Additionally, the assassination of Franz Ferdinand beefed up the war in Europe. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand in the summer of 1914 led to the outbreak of the war which involved a Bosnian terrorist who was seeking Bosnian independence. In this period, the Europeans were eager to experience the war. Some of them were even willing to risk their life by fighting in the war. This is because most of the youths and students inculcated the spirit of patriotism and devotion to the state. There are some prominent individuals who influenced the citizens substantially in believing that the war encouraged togetherness in the country (Shaara 9). Question #2 In the 1920s, there was a great reaction in the world which was caused by the wars in the world. The Great War is also known as World War I. According to most individuals, the Great War was a unique war because it involved several countries. Further analysis also depicts that the Great War involved huge life losses. Approximately 10 million men were killed. In fact, the Great War differed from the expectations of the generals and the majority of the Europeans. Most individuals thought that the war would last a single winter. However, the war lasted for four years. The main reason why the Great War differed so much from the expectations of the generals and the Europeans was because; both the military and diplomatic plans of the political leaders had failed in Europe (Shaara 18). In addition, the technological innovations had cha nged the warfare at the battlefield. In this period, the introduction of machine guns, battleships and airplanes significantly affected the war both at sea and on land. The machine guns favored most of the defense schemes employed by countries. The airplanes were mostly utilized for the survey but, bombs were not used in the war. The main warfare took place in Northern France, Southeastern Europe and Russia. In these areas, most of the people who were killed were the men. This is because the individuals in the warzone were not able to predict the extensiveness of the war. This war also created a gulf between military and civilian populations (Shaara 10). Question #3 Total war was a military quarrel whereby numerous countries mobilized all the available resources in order to destroy the ability of other nations to participate in war. This practice of total war was significantly utilized in the 19th century. Total war was also recognized as a separate class of warfare. Research assert s that total war was mainly caused by industrialization. It is quite prevalent that World War I influenced the birth of total war in the industrial age. During this period, soldiers faced each other in battlegrounds that had become extremely lethal due to the advancement in warfare machinery. There was no war witnessed in history such as the First World War. The main reason why this war was significant as opposed to other wars was because it had a long-term effect on the industrial revolution. According to various

Market Microstructure Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Market Microstructure Approach - Essay Example The above factors will therefore be important in answering the discussing whether the market microstructure to exchange rate has been a radical departure from the 1960's, 1970's and 1980's international macroeconomic models. This will involve assessing ach factor against a certain model thus noting the development undergone. For example, the economic growth under the monetary model of the 1960's was slow compared to the economic growth in the recent market microstructure approach. Combining these factors with the market exchange rate expectations will give us the current change value. According to the monetary model argues that relative price levels of any given two countries will provide the determinant to exchange rate. ( Obstfeld, M. and Kenneth, R, 1996) The real output level in a given country will also be a very important factor in assessing the models development; this is because it directly affects the price levels of certain goods and services. For instance, a rise in the United States output level with the other factors remaining constant will lead to a fall in the average prices in the US this will in return lead to the dollar appreciation. Past and future fundamental economic factors will matter a lot since the plays an important role of determining the future market expectations rate. Some of the traditional model of exchange rate includes asset market approach, mundell Fleming model orgarch model among others. They all had a shortcoming of failing to explain exchange rate movement's ion the long run. Mundell Fleming Model This theory was developed by Marcus Fleming and Robert Mundell in the 1960's. It was an extension of the LM model describing a small open economy. It gives the relationship between the nominal exchange rate and output of an economy in the short run. The model assures that under fixed rate regime an increase in government expenditure will shift the cure to the right. (Hamilton, 1994) This shift will increase the interest rate with the resultant effect being an appreciation of the exchange rate. In the fixed system framework the exchange will be controlled by the local momentary authority. The momentary authority stabilizes the exchange rate by using local currencies to purchase foreign currencies. This will in turn shift the LM curve in line with the direction of the IS shift, a thing that helps in lowering the exchange rate by increasing the supply of local currency in the market. However, a decrease in the government expenditure will shift the IS curve to the right. The shift will lead to a decline in the level of interest rate resulting to a depreciation of the exchange rate. (Hamilton, 1994) The central bank or relevant monetary authority will vary the money supply so as to realize a constant exchange rate level. Local authority adds its foreign reserves through increased purchase of foreign currencies using the local currency. this will lead to exchange rate appreciation.Incase it wants to depreciate the exchange rate the authority will use the foreign reserves to purchase its own currency to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Computer Systems Architecture and Administration Assignment

Computer Systems Architecture and Administration - Assignment Example There are three mechanisms to the performance of processing interrupts. The leading element is the amount of time taken between when the processor receives an interrupt request and when the processor takes action to initiate processing the interrupt service routine. This interruption is referred to as interrupt latency. The second element of interrupt is the interrupt processing time. It denotes the amount of time that the processor spends when practically saving the machine state of the interrupted task and diverting the interrupt service routine execution. Usually the amount of machine state saved is minimal, on the presumption that the interrupt service. The last element of interrupt service performance is the state saving overhead. This underlines the amount of time consumed when saving machine registers, but which must be saved so that the interrupt service routine to do its job. c. Caching is beneficial in several ways including: latency is abridged for active data resulting in higher application performance levels. Further, the I/O operations to external storage are minimized because most the I/O is diverted to cache. Subsequently this leads to lower levels of SAN traffic and disagreement. a. For a program to be executed it is required that it be first stored in main memory. Subsequently, after the program is loaded in the memory, a program execution starts through the delivery its start address to the CPU, which then sends instruction address to the memory unit.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Islamic world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Islamic world - Essay Example when centered round the life of the Prophet Muhammad, or other significant events in Islamic history, touch upon leadership, and emphasize that authority comes from Allah and belongs to those of noble lineage: â€Å"of princely stock† (al-Mulk, as cited by Darke, 1960), or belonging to the house of the Prophet Muhammad: his â€Å"blood relations† (al-Tabari, 923. Battle of Karbala). The right of succession is also clearly delineated, to avoid dissension in the community. In general, the conceptions of leadership are mainly concerned with the importance of keeping the Muslim community together, the obligation of the community to obey the leader, and the qualities and duties of a good leader. The primary requirement of Islamic leadership is the unity of the community. The objective of a leader is to ensure that the Islamic kingdom â€Å"will endure and increase day by day† (Darke, 1960). This is relevant in the early days of Islam, when the threat of schisms and factions rising and leading to the â€Å"split up into factions† (Ishaq, 632) of the newly-found community was very real. God’s command to his caliphs is to confirm Islam, â€Å"consolidate its sway ---- and strengthen its ties† (al-Tabari, 923. Letter of the Umayyad Caliph). The unity of the believers is essential for the survival of the new religion, and the leader is urged to foster communal bonds and guard against any dissension. It is clearly stated that â€Å"a community can be saved only if it has a head who can unite it† (al-Tabari, 923. Letter of Uthman), and warnings against discord and schisms are repeatedly given. Islam ensures the obligation of the community to obey the leader by explicitly stating that the authority of the leader comes directly from God, and commands, â€Å"No one contests the rights of the Caliph† (al-Tabari, 923. Letter of the Umayyad Caliph). Obedience to the caliphate is equated with obedience to God’s will and is held out to be the path to happiness, well-being and God’s

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Steps used in quantitative research and steps used in qualitative Essay

Steps used in quantitative research and steps used in qualitative research - Essay Example This is then followed up by the articulation of research questions or hypothesis. These are usually the guiding pillars on what is to be achieved by the study. Designing the research study is the next important step and it usually guides the other research steps which include sample selection, data collection, analysis and interpretation. The interpretation step seeks to determine whether the study answers the research questions or whether it conforms to the stated hypothesis. This is followed by the drawing up of conclusions and the writing up of the final research report. Qualitative research can be conducted in 10 steps. The first and second steps involve the choosing of a subject or the area of study, as well as choosing the approach to be used. Choosing the approach is also referred to as designing the study, and this step encompasses a number of steps that include the review of literature, the formulation of research questions, statement of the purpose of the research, and sampling (Chenail, 2011). During sampling, aspects such as the target population, the appropriate sample, sample selection methods are addressed since they directly impact on the data collection and analysis methods to be used. The next step involves the addressing of the ethical concerns associated with the study. Other steps include data collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation of the findings, and the writing of the final

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Essay

Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself - Essay Example It is because in male dominated society, female slaves were the worst sufferers of male lust. Also since women’s financial contribution was equal to their male counterparts’, they were often neglected the allowances which were normally granted to the male slaves. In the narrative, Jacob upholds the fact that the nineteenth century society was, in the first place, very much discriminatory to women. On top of it, slavery would permit the male dominated society to exert their brutal desires over the female slaves to the fullest extent. Such brutal treatment would never hold them accountable. In the narrative, Jacob shows that the evil of slavery puts the despotic males at the control of humanly institutions like motherhood, womanhood, etc. Therefore, the slave-owners not only denied humanity by continuing slavery, but also reached the extent to oppose the most sacred institution of womanhood as well as motherhood. When Jacob says that â€Å"Slavery is terrible for men; bu t it is far more terrible for women†¦Superadded to the burden common to all, they have wrongs, and sufferings, and mortifications peculiarly their own† (Jacobs 23), she refers to a masculine but horrible face of slavery in the context of femininity. In addition to what the slaves, whether they are male and female, suffer from, a female slave has to suffer vehemently from a torrent of emotional anguish first as an object of lust and then as a mother. Different from other slave narratives, Jacob has used the scope to view slavery from a quite different angle. Jacob notes that most of the lave narratives of her era have a common pattern of depicting the graphic details of whipping, physical torturing, etc. Subsequently these narratives uphold a dangerous escape of their slave protagonists to the North. But Jacob depicts a quite different situation for a female slave. She shows that for a female slave, any attempt to escape from the slavery was more of a heart-piercing dilemm a because of their progenies. She could neither endure the torture nor leave their children behind and run away. So, their only way was to submit to their fate. But when other women would let themselves collapse under the crushing torture of slavery, Linda retains her mental strength to oppose Mr. Flint’s desire. Linda’s mental strength is evident in a speech: â€Å"When he told me that I was made for his use, made to obey his command in every thing; that I was nothing but a slave, whose will must and should surrender to his, never before had my puny arm felt half so strong† (Jacobs 46). Indeed, this simple comment of Linda tends to summarize the gist of the whole narrative as well as of the evil of slavery in American society during the early nineteenth century. It can be viewed from different perspectives and angles. As a mother, Linda violently fights against slavery. She wants to save her children from the evil of slavery. She plays hoax on Mr. Flints in ord er to attain freedom for her children, Benny and Elena. She had to spend innumerous sleepless night in the tight attic in which she can hardly stand. But her only pleasure is that she can see her run around her Aunt Martha’s house freely. Indeed, for any male reader, such sacrifice may seem to be something mere, but the pains, sufferings and angst she undergoes during those days of slavery are

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Research Project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Project - Research Paper Example Ukrainian language is related to Russian (Kubicek 2008). However, grammatically, it more closely resembles Polish and Czech. Due to the fact that Ukraine has not been integrated with Europe for over 70 years (as a result of the Soviet Union), there are few English speakers available to an â€Å"English only† tourist (Risch 2011). As such, it would be a strong recommendation to obtain a tour guide and/or hire a native speaker who could act to guide the tourist as well as negotiate prices. The culture displays many nuances that a Westerner would not fully understand unless it was explained to him/her. For instance, like many Asian cultures, Ukrainians are very prone to remove their shoes prior to entering into a house or place of employment. Slippers are often provided for guests so that they can conveniently remove their shoes while still having something to cover their feet while moving around inside. Furthermore, whereas one might be tempted to put one’s feet up on the couch or rest them on a chair, such a practice is frowned upon in Ukraine and other Eastern European countries. Similar to many Mediterranean cultures, Ukrainians often express themselves using high levels of body language. Whereas those from a more Anglo-European background would find this waving of hands and other gestures to be out of the ordinary, even rude, they are used to great effect to convey meaning, levels of irritation, expressions of finality, and frustration with a given topic or person. Due to the effects of communism, many people are non-religious and/or atheist. However, the historical strength of the Orthodox Church is gaining in influence and it is difficult to go very far without seeing the onion domes of the Orthodox churches that dot the countryside. Although the exterior of these churches do not closely mirror those that a Western European or American might be familiar with, the theology of belief is very much similar to that of the Catholic Church from which the Orthodox Church originally derived. The Orthodox Church, or more specifically the Eastern Orthodox Church (to distinguish it from its Greek counterpart) was born from the schism that resulted from the sacking of Constantinople by the Romans during the 1st Crusade (Korostelina 2011). Resultantly, the church leaders in Constantinople (currently Istanbul) decided that they no longer wanted to be considered under the same religious umbrella that Rome placed over them. Consequently, the Orthodox Church was born into existence. It is hard to over-emphasize the importance of the Orthodox Church as it relates to Eastern Europe and specifically Ukraine. This can be understood for a number of reasons but mostly due to the fact that during the days of the Russian Empire (of which Ukraine was a part), the Orthodox Church was considered on equal place with the Tsar (Velychenko 2007). One may remember seeing the double headed eagle that represented Imperial Russia. The eagles’ heads r epresent the head of the state and the head of the church (metropolitan). These metropolitans were and are similar in nature to the position that is occupied by the Pope in Rome. As such, these religious leaders held a great deal of power over the nation and the laws that affected it up until the Bolshevik Revolution. An example of

Essay on Women Suffrage Movement Essay Example for Free

Essay on Women Suffrage Movement Essay Since time immemorial, all movements aspiring for a goal had to do something to attain it. Citizens of colonized countries had to organize themselves and fight by means of revolution to attain freedom. Slaves who aspired for freedom had to fight for their freedom. Employees who aspired for better terms and conditions had to engage in strikes and picketing before their rights were recognized. The fight for equal rights necessitated decades of struggle and massive propaganda campaign by the leaders and its members so that their aspirations may finally be recognized. The women’s suffrage movement also would not have succeeded had they not been awakened and realized that their rights were being violated. This essay seeks to prove that the women suffrage movement is the result of the leadership of important figures in our history and the awakening not only by the women but also the men that democracy demands the due recognition of the women’s right to vote. In the speech entitled â€Å"On Women’s Right to Vote†, Susan B. Anthony recounted her experiences when she was arrested for something that is her right to do – casting a vote. She was among the first female leaders who made the women realized the voting is also their right and guaranteed by the constitution. Susan Anthony explained one of the arguments against denying a female the right to vote which is that the United States was formed by the people of the United States. The people include those who are white and black, male or female, young and old who are all entitled to the same fundamental civil and political rights without any distinction. She also added that the dictionary defines a citizen as a person who is entitled to vote and hold office.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Increasingly multicultural Essay Example for Free

Increasingly multicultural Essay Montreal is a vibrant cosmopolitan city that is becoming increasingly multicultural. although this is the case Quebecs language laws have made it all but impossible to post outdoor signs in languages other than French. Other disadvantageous do not point just to those who do not speak French. Since Bill 101 was passed in 1977 many were skeptical over the change in the school system when it urged Quebec to change a law that requires most immigrant children to get their schooling in French. The law that now keeps most immigrant children out of English schools, Bill 101, was enacted 22 years ago under the authority of our good old friend Rene Levesque in response to nationalist fears that a pronounced tendency among Quebec allophones to choose an English education for their children together with a low francophone birth rate posed a long-term threat to the future of the French language, especially here in Montreal. Why couldnt the city be left the way it was, the needless threat of all of Quebecs language laws have posed a menace to society. The more laws that have been passed the more the French Majority have become involved resulting in a greater vigor to stay free from English. There have been in the past many riots and angered separatists willing to give their lives for the right to keep the French language intact. If the Government hadnt been so enthusiastic over efforts to change the face of the province maybe the majority of the population would have left the issue of language alone and accepted the English for what they are. Many have grown through the upbringing of their parents to treat everybody the same, and also by the old saying. Dont judge a book by its cover. It is a complete outrage for the Government to witness crimes of hate and to ignored them by making the problem worse by going ahead with their proposed we hate the English lets get them out of here law. That has definitely been the way that allophones have felt and they were never given a fair share of anything, not even a vote. After the referendum this had become the talk of the nation when rumors suggested that die-hard separatists had tampered with the votes after the 1994 referendum when Quebec narrowly escaped separation from Canada by just a hairs breadth. But the havoc hadnt only just begun, there were incidents in the past when Prime Minister Trudeau was in charge that literally tested the lives of allophones, closer to home over here in Westmount. Alleged obstinate separatists preformed acts of hate on Montreals well-known English community. Bombs were neatly placed in to mailboxes that were, appallingly, set to detonate once opened. This spelled danger to Montreals allophone community who flocked elsewhere to get away from the unbearable tensions that were built amongst them by these alleged terrorists. That is exactly why I disagree with Mordecai Richlers opinion over Montreals status. He once said. We Havent Lost our heads only our apostrophes. Montreal however diminished is still to my mind the most agreeable city in Canada. And this is because the two cultures not only confront eachother but also continue to enrich eachother. How could such a knowledgeable man ignore all the violence and the lack of equality. It has to be said that there has never been a time when it was liberated to say that we have grown to enrich each other because it quite simply isnt true. Problems between the two vibrant cultures have not caused astronomical damage, but enough damage to believe that allophones are not wanted. Tensions for a while remained calm, but more recently the bombings that plagued some second Cup coffee shops, in a furious scuffle just to change the name to Deuxieme Tasse. Similar incidents include Jacques Villneuves opening of his bar called new town the translation of his last name. The successful Formula 1 hero was the target of many unpleased individuals over the name of his bar. Villneuve was later asked to reply and give his opinion to the miserable reaction over the name and quite simply stated that people in this city must become more open minded. Cant really disagree there. It comes to show that times havent changed and that tensions are still sky high. That is exactly why I disagree with Mordecai Richlers opinion over the Montreals status. He once said. We Havent Lost our heads only our apostrophes. Montreal however diminished is still to my mind the most agreeable city in Canada. And this is because the two cultures not only confront eachother but also continue to enrich eachother.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Discourse And Discourse Analysis

The Discourse And Discourse Analysis The chapter elaborates the theoretical frameworks used in the present study. It covers the elaboration of mass media, fear and the theories of representation. This chapter also explains Discourse Analysis, the concept of Critical Discourse Analysis, Van Leeuwens framework-discourse as a recontextualization of social practice which is followed by Van Leeuwens notion of representing social actors and action (2008) and Kress and Van Leeuwens theory on Reading Image (2006). 2.1 Mass Media Mass media have become an important part of human life. People can not imagine how they would live without media, such as television, newspaper, magazine, or internet. Mass media today cover global phenomenon such as the programs on health risks, political elections, royal weddings, armed conflict, financial crises, and natural or man-made disaster. However, mass media are not free from ideology (ibid). Any reality (this may include fear) showed in mass media possibly adopts the perspective of dominant groups or the owner of mass media (Van Dijk, 1995). Thus, the following will discuss the concept of fear and mass media with CDA as the tools of analysis to unearth the ideology in particular online news ( Here, CDA is very useful to discover hidden messages behind news as part of media discourse (Van Dijk, 1995). The construction of fear in news could also be revealed by employing CDA as the tool of analysis. To start the investigation of fear in the Indonesia online news, the concept of fear and mass media is discussed in the following section. 2.2 Mass Media and Fear Mass media also have potential to arouse and shape emotions locally as well as globally (Doveling, Scheve, Konjin, 2010).The examples are falling in love with one of the characters in a film, shedding tears in a dramatic event, shouting out loud to soccer player who fails to score, and many more. Those examples about specific characters and events are exclusively known via the media, although the audiences or the readers of the media have never met the characters or experienced the events yet. However, the audiences are moved by these examples emotionally. It is the reason why mass media have the potential to play with emotions while in fact nothing real needs to be going on. So, mass media are technically construed means to convey messages, yet they do not have emotions themselves (Doveling, Scheve, Konjin, 2010). Fear as noun is defined as an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger; an instance of this emotion; a state marked by this emotion; anxious concern; profound reverence and awe especially toward God and reason for alarm (Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, 2012). Meanwhile, fear can also be regarded as a verb (transitive and intransitive). Merriam Webster Dictionary defines fear as follow: Transitive verb archaic : frighten archaic : to feel fear in (oneself) to have a reverential awe of to be afraid of : expect with alarm Intransitive verb to be afraid or apprehensive Fear pervades in mass media because mass media play a large role in shaping public agendas by influencing what people think about (Shaw and McCombs 1977 cited from Altheide et all, 1999). discourse of fear. It is defined as the pervasive communication, symbolic awareness and expectation that danger and risk are the central feature of the effective environment (Altheide et all, 1999) Altheide et all (1999) elaborate that there are three objects to help discovering fear in mass media. The objects are frame, theme, and discourse. The third object to reveal fear in mass media is through discourse. The investigation of construction fear in discourse is the focus in this study. Thus, the theory of representation which is a departing point to explain discourse and CDA is described in the next part. 2.3. Representation Representation as uncountable noun is the way that someone or something is shown or described while as a countable noun; while as countable noun, representation is understood as a sign, picture, or model of something (Cambridge Advance Learners dictionary 3rd Edition). The same view is also proposed by Longman Advanced America Dictionary which describes representation (countable or uncountable noun) as a way of showing or describing something in art, literature, newspaper, television, etc. Understanding representation is important since this theory can reveal how fear is represented in the online news media. Stuart Halls theory of representation is one of the prominent theories of representation. Hall does not define representation as just a way something described or shown but he goes deeper by defining representation as the production of meaning through language (Hall. 1997 p.1). He argues that language is able to construct meaning since it operates in operates as representational system (Hall, 1997 p.1). In representational system (language), signs are used to symbolize or represent objects, people, or events in real world (Hall, 1997). Moreover, signs can also represent imaginary, fantasy or abstract things (Hall, 1997 p.17), such as the concept of fear. Furthermore, there are two general models of representation; Ferdinand De Saussures and Michael Foucaults approaches to representation. Saussures model is semiotic model that can be defined as the link between the forms of expression used by language (signifier) and the mental concept with them (signified) (Hall, 1997). The second model is Foucaults model to representation. In contrast with Saussures model, Foucault (in Hall 1997 p.44) sees discourse as the system of representation (not language). He argues that meaning and meaningful practices are constructed in discourse, so it implies that nothing meaningful outside discourse (Foucault in Hall, 1997 p.44). Foucault is, then, defined discourse as a way of representing the knowledge about a particular topic at a particular historical monument. From this definition, it can be inferred that Foucault model of representation is historically and context specific where certain power and ideology are involved in producing discourse and knowledge. So far, the discussion of representation has elaborated how meaning is constructed. Two views are raised; meaning is constructed in Language (Saussures model of representation) or Discourse (Foucaults model of representation). This study, then, employs Foucaults model of representation (in Hall, 1997) since this model is more relevant to the tool of analysis of the study which is Critical Discourse Analysis (Van Leeuwens Framework, 2008). The model is chosen since the model of representation is more attached to the concept of knowledge, power, and ideology which are also the main notions of CDA. In order to enrich the understanding of discourse and critical discourses analysis, the elaboration of these concepts is explained in the following section. 2.4. Discourse and Discourse Analysis Discourse often means as an extended stretch of connected speech or writing a text (Van Leeuwen in Wodak and Meyer, 2009). However, some scholars develop a more profound definition of discourse; one of them is Foucault who defines discourses as socially constructed way of knowing some aspect of reality which can be drawn upon when that aspect of reality has to be represented. (Foucault, 1977 cited in Wodak and Meyer, 2009). From different point of view, Fairclough defines discourse as the representation of the world (Fairclough, 2003:124). It involves the representation of processes, relations and structures of the material worlds, the mental world of thought, feelings, beliefs, and the social world (Fairclough, 2003:124). He also distinguished discourse from text since discourse is used to refer to the whole process of social interaction while text is only the output of that process (Fairclough, 1989:24). These two scholars definitions of discourse give implication that discourse is not a just mere connected speech or writing. The notion of discourse raises the concept of reality, knowledge and power (Foucalt 1977 in Wodak and Meyer 2009) and the concept of world representation and social interaction (Fairclough 1989 and 2003). The discussion of discourse raises the question of how discourse is analyzed. Dicourse Analysis is, then, the process of analysis which aims to reveal the relationship between text and the elements of social practice in the society (Paltridge, 2006:2). Zellig Harris is first scholar who introduced the term Discourse Analysis in 1952. He defines Discourse Analysis as a way of analyzing connected speech and writing (Paltridge, 2006:2). Harriss study deals with the examination of language beyond the level of sentence and the investigation of relationship between linguistic and non-linguistic behavior. Afterward, the development of Discourse Analysis influences some areas of applied language study. One of these areas is Critical Discourse Analysis (abbreviated as CDA). CDA was developed based on the fact that the values which underlie texts are often hidden (Paltridge, 2006). The critical approach to Discourse Analysis will help reveal some of these hidden values. Corresponding to this, Fairclough (1992) also states that CDA focuses on how a discourse is produced in relation to power and ideology as well as the effects of the discourse on social identities, relations, knowledge and beliefs. Therefore, this study is geared toward investigating the construction of fear in online news media from discourse perspective (Altheide, 1999). The study is aim to reveal what the construction of fear signifies. These significations may lead to the relation of power, hidden values and ideology in the construction of fear. These significations are also the main notions of CDA. Thus, the more detailed explanation of CDA is explained in the following section. 2.5. Critical Discourse Analysis Paltridge (2006) elaborates Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as the examination of the use of discourse in relation to its socio-cultural phenomena. It examines the way language is used in the discourse and social and cultural situation where it occurs. Distinctively, Van Dijk explains that CDA is a type of discourse analysis which studies the way social power abuse, dominance and inequality are enacted, reproduced and resisted by text and talk in the social and political context. (2008:85). Thus, it can be inferred that one of main purposes of CDA is to try to understand, demonstrate, and resist social inequality. Furthermore, Fairclough and Wodak elucidate eight main principles of CDA. First, CDA addresses social problems by observing the linguistic forms. The concept of power relations are negotiated and performed through discourse is the second principle. The next one is that discourse represents society and culture. Ideologies are produced and reflected in the use of discourse is the fourth principle. The fifth one regards discourse as historical which means that a discourse cannot be separated from discourses before it. The concept of CDA mediates text and society is the sixth principle. Next Principle, CDA is interpretative and explanatory. Last principle, discourse is a form of social action (Fairclough and Wodak, 1997, cited in Van Dijk, 2008:86). These eight main principles of CDA construct the basis for CDAs aim which is to gain a good understanding of how language functions in constituting or transferring knowledge or in exercising power (Wodak and Meyer, 2009). In order to achieve this understanding, CDA requires an interdisciplinary approach. Thus, CDA is not attempted to provide one specific theory. Researches in CDA are varied and come from different theoretical backgrounds. They are also concerned with different data as well as different methodologies. Theo Van Leeuwen is one of the CDA researchers who contributes his approach to CDA. His framework of discourse as the recontextualization of social practice is greatly affected by four important notions from Bernstein, Foucault, Halliday, and Martin (Van Leeuwen, 2008). Thus, the present study employs Van Leeuwens framework of discourse as the recontextualization of social practice (2008) as the main tool of analysis. This study focuses on how social actors and social actions are represented in the construction of fear. Van Leeuwens framework of CDA is also used to reveal what the construction of fear signifies (the power relation, hidden values and ideologies). The elaboration of Van Leeuwens approach to CDA is, then, presented in the next section. 2.6. Van Leeuwens Framework: Discourse as the Recontextualization of Social Practice Van Leeuwen (2008) explains discourse as outlines for the interpretation of reality. His framework on discourse presents methods for reconstructing these outlines through text analysis. It is based on four important notions from four theorists. It is built on Bernsteins concept of recontextualization, Hallidays theory of Transitivity, Foucaults theory of discourse, and Martins theory of activity sequences. (Van Leeuwen, 2008). First, the frameworks based on Bernstein concept of representation (1996). Bernstein defines recontextualization as one of the three fields of pedagogic devices (Bernstein, 1996, cited in Van Leeuwen 2008). It lies between the field of knowledge production and reproduction. The field production of new knowledge takes place in higher education institutions. The recontextualization of knowledge takes place in institutions which interpret education policies into curriculum. Furthermore, the reproduction of knowledge mostly takes place in schools. Bernstein argues that recontextualization regulates rule for delocating a discourse, for relocating it, for refocusing it. (cited in Van Leeuwen, 2008), Thus, it can be inferred that from Bernsteins perpective, recontextualization is shifted from its original position of production to another position where it is changed as it is related to other discourses. However, Van Leeuwen employs this concept in a more general sense. He also associates it to the theory of discourse constructed by Foucault. In Foucaults sense, discourse is a socially constructed knowledge of some social practices (Foucault, 1977, cited in Van Leeuwen, 2008:6). At this point, discourses are seen as the resource of representing social practices in text. It implies that texts can be used to reconstruct discourses. Subsequently, Van Leeuwens framework is also based on Martins concepts of the field of discourse, using lexical cohesion analysis to construct activity sequences-sequences of represented activity (Cited in Van Leeuwen, 2008:5). In building his framework, Van Leeuwen is motivated by the work of Martin concerning the represented activities, roles, setting, etc. Although Martins example is in the form of procedural text, Van Leeuwen argues that all texts should be interpreted as representation of social practices that consist of series of represented activities (van Leeuwen, 2008). 2.7. Representing Social Actors Theo Van Leeuwen (2008) has built an analysis framework regarding the representations of social actors in a text. The following section explains these categories further. 2.7.1. Inclusion and Exclusion In a text, not all of the social actors are presented directly for the readers to see; sometimes the readers have to infer them in one or two places, and sometimes the social actors are not at all present in the text. Whenever the social actors are present in a text, it is called inclusion; and whenever they are absent, it is called exclusion (Van Leeuwen , 2008). Excluded social actors can either be backgrounded or suppressed. If they are backgrounded, it means they can still be referred to somewhere in the text. However if the social actors are suppressed, it means they are not mentioned at all in the text. If the social actors are included in the text, we shall then see their role allocation, whether they are playing an active or passive role, whether they are presented generically or specifically, presented as an individual or as belong in a group, presented as unspecified or specified, referred to by name or category, referred to personally or impersonally, or whether they appear in more than one social practice at the same time (Van Leeuwen , 2008). Therefore, one way to reveal the construction of fear is to see how actors are represented in the discourse. It is important to reveal the representation of social actors since actors play vital role in creating meaning (fear) (Hall 1997, Altheide 1997, Bell, 2003). The exclusion and inclusion of the social actors in the discourse is able to reveal the relation of power and hidden values and ideology in the construction of fear in online news. The following figure is the network of representing social actor. Nomination Inclusionionion Exclusion ionion Supression Backgrounding ionion Activation ionion Passivationionion Participationionion Circumstatialization ionion Possesivation Impersonalization ionion Personalization ionion Determination Indetermination Genericization Specificization Abstraction Objectivation Individualization Assimilation Association Disassociation Differentiation Indifferentiation Categorizationh Single Determination Overdetermination Collectivization Aggregation Functionalization Identification Appraisement Formalization Informalization Titulation Detitulation Semiformalization Inversion Symbolization Connotation Distillation Classification Rel. Iden Physical Iden. Honorification Affiliation Anachronim Deviation FIGURE 1 Social Actor Network (Van Leeuwen, 2008:52) 2.7.2. Role Allocation Role Allocation in Van Leeuwens Framework of representing social actors is the role give to the actor to play in the representation (Van Leeuwen, 2008). The first role allocation is that social actors in a text can either be activated or passivated. Activation and passivation of the social actors can be realized through participation, circumstantialisation and possessivation. When social actors participate in a given activity, participation occurs. While, Circumstantialisation happens when social actors are put within the circumstance. Furthermore, Possessivation happens when social actors become the possession of others (Van Leeuwen 2008). When social actors are passivated, they can either be subjected or beneficialised. Subjected social actors are treated as objects in the representation, while beneficialised social actors are the ones who benefits, either positively or negatively, from the action (Van Leeuwen , 2008). 2.7.3. Genericisation and Specification Talking about genericisation and specification means talking about whether the social actors are represented as classes, or as specific individuals which can be identified. Genericisation can be realized through the plural without article, the singular with the definite article, or mass nouns (a group of participants). Meanwhile specification can be realized through specific nouns or using numerative before the noun. In addition, mass nouns can also signify specification if the tense is not present tense (Van Leeuwen , 2008) 2.7.4. Assimilation and Individualisation The third distinction of role allocation is assimilation and individualization. This role allocation concern about whether the social actors are represented as groups or individuals. The difference lies in the singular and plural form of the social actors. Genericisation and specification can represent social actors either in singular or plural form. Meanwhile, assimilation represents social actors as groups, represents them in plural form. Individualization, The reference of social actors as individuals is called Individualization. Individulaized social actors always be represented them in singular form. Furthermore, assimilation consists of two types; aggregation and collectivization. Aggregation is understood as quantifying groups of participants and treats them as statistics, while collectivization does not. Aggregation is also realized by the presence of definite or indefinite quantifiers which either functions as the numerative or as the head of nominal group. Meanwhile, Collectivization can be realized by a mass noun or a noun denoting a group of people (Van Leeuwen , 2008). 2.7.5. Association and Dissociation A further distinction of the social actor is association and disassociation. It deals when social actors or a group of social actors represented in a text as forming a group, however the group is never labeled. Association can be realized through parataxis, circumstance of accompaniment, possessive pronouns and possessive attributive clauses with verbs such as have and belong (Van Leeuwen , 2008). 2.7.6. Indetermination and Differentiation The notion of indetermination and differentiation deals with whether or not social actors are represented as unspecified or specified. Indetermination, which anonymizes social actors, can be realized through indefinite pronouns and generalized exophoric reference, while differentiation can be realized through specific adjectives (Van Leeuwen , 2008). 2.7.7. Nomination and Categorization Nomination occurs when social actors are represented based on their unique identities, while categorization occurs when they are represented based on their identities and functions which they share with others. Nomination is generally realized by proper noun, in the form of formal (surname only, with or without honorifics), semiformal (given name and surname) or informal (given name only) (Van Leeuwen , 2008). 2.7.8. Functionalization and Identification When social actors are categorized, they can either be represented by means of functionalization or identification. Functionalization occurs when social actors are represented based on what they do; or blatantly put, what they function as, while identification occurs when social actors are represented based on what they are. (Van Leeuwen , 2008). Functionalization is usually realized in one of the following ways: first by a noun formed from verb by adding suffixes, such as -er in interviewer; second by a noun denoting a place or tool closely associated with an activity through suffixes, such as -ist in violist; and third by compounding nouns denoting places or tools closely related with an activity and highly generalized categorizations, such as compounding swords and man into swordsman. In addition, identification has three types, namely classification, relational identification and physical identification. Classification happens when social actors are represented based on their class, age, gender, race, religion, etc. Relational identification happens when social actors are represented based on their relationship or kinship with others. It can be realized by possessive pronoun, postmodifying phrase, or genitive. Physical identification happens when social actors are represented based on their physical characteristics (Van Leeuwen , 2008). 2.7.9. Impersonalisation and Personalisation Impersonalisation and personalization deal with whether social actors are represented as human beings or not. All of the aforementioned categories of social actors representation fall into personalization, because all of them represent social actors as having the quality of human beings. On the other hand,impersonalisation does not represent social actors as having the quality of human beings. Moreover, impersonalisation is divided into two types, namely abstraction and objectivation. Abstraction occurs when social actors are represented by means of quality assign to them, and objectivation occurs when social actors are represented by a place or thing closely related either with the person or with the action in which they are engaged. If they are represented by a place, it is called spatialization; if they are represented by their utterance, what they say or what they write, it is called utterance autonomization; if they are represented by the instrument or tool they use for action, it is called instrumentialization; and if they are represented by a part of their body, it is called somatization. In addition, Leeuwen noted that impersonalisation can background the identity and/or role of social actors, can lend impersonal authority or force to an activity or quality of a social actor, and can add positive or negative connotations to an activity or utterance of a social actor. Impersonalizing social actors takes the audiences focus or attention away from the social actors themselves, emphasizing on the abstract concept, quality or object that is assigned to them (Van Leeuwen , 2008). 2.7.10. Overdetermination Overdetermination occurs when social actors are represented as participating, at the same time, in more than one social practice. It is one of the ways in which texts can legitimize practices. There are four kinds of overdetermination, namely inversion, symbolization, connotation and distillation (Van Leeuwen , 2008). Inversion happens when social actors are connected to two practices which are each others opposite. A well-known example for this, as mentioned by Leeuwen as well, is The Flintstones. The Flintstones family is depicted as people from pre-historic era, as seen from their clothes that are made of animals hides and their house that is made from rocks and stones, yet they do activities that are common in modern era, like watching television, playing bowling and hanging out in a night club. Symbolization happens when fictional social actors stand for actors in non-fictional social practices. Distillation is the combination of generalization and abstraction. It connects social actors to several social practices by abstracting the same feature from social actors involved in these several practices (Van Leeuwen , 2008). This present study utilizes this role allocation in the chosen online news article as the main analysis of the social actor. As mentioned before, the analysis of role allocation aims to reveal how representations of the social actors are allocated in the discourse. This allocation, then, reveals the power relation, hidden values and ideologies in representing social actors in the discourse of fear. 2.8. Representing Social Action The main question that encourages Van Leeuwen in constructing the social action network is that What are the ways in which social action can be represented in English discourse? (2008:3). He believes that the representational choices of actions in the discourse contain meanings that could help to understand the whole discourse. The next section presents the main ways in which social action can be transformed in a discourse (Van Leeuwen , 2008). 2.7 Van Leeuwens Social Action Network This social action network presents the ways in which actions and reactions can be represented in discourse. Figure 1 shows the social action network that is developed by Van Leeuwen. Social Action Reaction Action Activation Deactivation Agentialization Deagentialization Abstraction Concretization Unspecified Cognitive Affective Perceptive Material Transactive Nontransactive Interactive Instrumental Semiotic Behavioral Nonbehavioral Single Determination Overdetermination Form specification Topic specification Rendition Quotation Objectivation Descriptivization Generalization Distillation Eventuation Existentialization Naturalization Symbolization Inversion FIGURE 2. The Social Action Network: The Representation of Actions and Reactions (Van Leeuwen, 2008:73) 2.9.1 Reactions Reactions is understood as the emotions and attitudes toward belong to these actions of the social actors (Van Leeuwen, 2008). Typically, a discourse presents the social actions along with the reactions following them. The way to differentiate the reactions from actions grammatically is by using the criteria in Hallidays transitivity theory of mental processes. According to Van Leeuwen (2008), there are four conditions of mental processes which distinct them from the processes that realizing actions (such as, material, behavioral, or verbal processes). Van Leeuwens argument in mental process is based on Hallidays theory of transitivity (`967-1968, 1985). He argues that the mental processes cannot be probed by a do question. Second, mental processes use the simple present form while material, behavioral, and verbal processes take the progressive present form. Third, the participant of a mental process, the senser, must be a human or is treated as competent of human mental processes. Conclusively, the object of the mental processes can be realized by a clause as well as by a nominal group. (Van Leeuwen, 2008 These four criteria, however in Van Leeuwens view, are not always fully adequate to identify the actions and reactions in the actual text (2008). It is because the identification of actions and reactions is bounded by the grammar of the clause and fails to provide recognition criteria for actions and reactions in the text that use other linguistic level such as nominal group. Another problem is that many reactions are not represented dynamically by mental process clause, for instance, they feared . They can also be represented statically by descriptive clause such as they were afraid. (Van Leeuwen, 2008:57). Halliday solves those problems through his theory of grammatical metaphor (1985). It covers the idea that the concept of mental process is realized literally when it is realized by the grammatical category of mental process; it is realized metaphorically when it is realized in other ways. For examples, it is realized by a static descriptive clause or by elements of nominal group. Those two ways of representing reactions-metaphorically or literally-suggest that there are different metaphors available for representing the reactions. Reactions can be formulated in a number of ways. They can be unspecified through verbs like react and respond denoting a reaction directly. They can also be specified; they are represented as particular types of reactions. In accordance to these, Halliday (cited in Eggins, 2004) differentiates three types of reactions: cognitive (verbs of thinking, knowing, understanding, etc.); affective (verbs of liking, fearing, etc.), and perceptive (verbs of seeing, hearing, perceiving, etc.). 2.9.2 Mat

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Odyssey Essay example -- essays research papers fc

japanese-American During WWII By: Japanese immigrants and the following generations had to endure discrimination, racism, and prejudice from white Americans. They were first viewed as economic competition. The Japanese Americans were then forced into internment camps simply because of the whites fear and paranoia. The Japanese first began to immigrate to the United States in 1868. At first they came in small numbers. US Census records show only 55 in 1870 and 2,039 in 1890. After that, they came in much greater numbers, reaching 24,000 in 1900, 72,000 in 1910, and 111,000 in 1920.(Parrillo,287) Most settled in the western states.(Klimova,1) Many families in Japan followed the practice of primogeniture, which is when the eldest son inherits the entire estate. This was a â€Å"push† factor. Because of primogeniture, â€Å"second and third sons came to the United States to seek their fortunes.†(Parrillo,287) The promise of economic prosperity and the hope for a better lif e for their children were two â€Å"pull† factors. These foreign-born Japanese were known as Issei (first generation). They filled a variety of unskilled jobs in railroads, farming, fishing, and domestic services. (Klimova,1) The Japanese encountered hostility and discrimination from the start. In California, a conflict with organized labor was due to their growing numbers in small areas and racial visibility.(Parrillo,287) White workers perceived Japanese as economic competition. Their willingness to work for lower wages and under poor conditions brought on hostility from union members. The immigrants became victims of ethnoviolence. In 1890, Japanese cobblers were attacked by members of the shoe maker’s union, and Japanese restaurateurs were attacked by members of the union for cooks and waiters in 1892. It was very difficult to find steady employment; therefore, most of them entered agricultural work. They first worked as laborers, accumulated sufficient capitol, th en as tenant farmers or small landholders. Some became contract gardeners for whites.(Parrillo,287) The Japanese farmers were very knowledgeable of cultivation, which made them strong competitors against white farmers. More discrimination by the dominant group soon followed. â€Å"In 1913, the California legislator passed the first alien landholding law, prohibiting any person who was ineligible for citizenship from owning land in the state, and per... ...omic exploitation. After enduring such injustices and hardships, many are now enjoying the life the Issei dreamed of for their families. Bibliography Work Cited Parillo, Vincent N. Strangers to These Shors: Race and Ethnitc Relations in the United States. Needham Heights, : Massachuchetts: 2000, 287-289. Klimova, Tatiana A. â€Å"Internment of Japanese Americans: Military Necessity or Racial Prejudice.† Old Dominion University. 1-9 (5/2/00) Asia, Ask. â€Å"Linking The Past to Present: Asian Americans Then and Now.† The Asia Society 1996. 1-3 (5/1/00 Spickard, Paul R. Japanese Americans: The transformation and Formation of an Ethnic Group. New Yourk:1996,93-159 McWilliams, Carey. Prejudice Japanese Americans: Symbol of racial Intolerance. boston: 1945,106-190. Myer, Dillon S. â€Å"Joseph Yoshisuke Kurihara.† Upprinted Americans 1971. 1-5 (5/1/00) Asin, Stefanie.†Poignand Memories.† Houston Chronicle 7/31/95.1-3 5/2/00 Reaseach Center.†resea rch on 100th/442nd reginent conbat team.:NJAHS.1-2 5/2/00 Miyoshi, Nubu.:Idenity Crisis of the Sansei.†Sansei legacy project 3/13/98.1-21 5/1/00 Kiang, Peter.† Understanding the Perception of Asian Americans.† Asian Society1997.1-2 5/2/00 Word Count: 1862

Death of a Salesman and All My Sons as Optimistic Tragedies Essay examp

Death of a Salesman and All My Sons as Optimistic Tragedies   Ã‚  Ã‚   This essay deals with Arthur Miller, and his uniqueness as a tragic playwright. The research question that this paper attempted to answer was, why were Miller's plays different from many other tragedies. Two of Arthur Miller's tragedies were used in this essay, Death of a Salesman and All My Sons. The thesis of this essay is, Arthur Miller deviates from the standard perception of tragedy in his plays, Death of a Salesman and All My Sons because unlike other tragedies, they are optimistic in that the main character causes the tragedy for what they perceive to be the greater good. The body of this essay starts out with a discussion of tragedy, and the commonly viewed perception of it, one of pessimism. It goes into detail of several different definitions of tragedy, made by literary critics. The "tragic flaw" is discussed and proven to be a major part of a tragedy, especially Miller's. Death of a Salesman is used to prove this statement. The idea that Miller's plays are optimistic is discussed in great detail. Both plays are used to prove this concept, as well as essays written by literary critics with opinions on this topic. One of the major points in this essay is Miller's use of love. Love is a dominant emotion throughout the tragedies. The important thing about the love is that it is one of the main reasons that the characters do what they do to cause the tragedy. The conclusion of this essay enforces the idea that Arthur Miller's plays are unique from other tragedies. It reinstates the thesis and the reason that it is true. The conclusion also summarizes the most important points of the essay and ends the paper tying everything together. Introd... ... 7. Carson, Neil. "A View from the Bridge and the Expansion of Vision." Bloom, Harold, ed. Arthur Miller: Modern Critical Views. New York: Chelsea House Publishers. (1987) p 94. 8. Hayman, Ronald. Arthur Miller. New York: Frederick Ungar Publiching Co. (1956); p 43. 9. Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. New York: The Viking Press (1958); p 133. 10. Hayman, Ronald. Arthur Miller. New York: Frederick Ungar Publiching Co. (1956); p 55. 11. Miller, Arthur. "Introduction to Collected Plays." Weales, Gerald, ed. Death of a Salesman: Text and Criticism. New York: Penguin Books (1996); p163. 12. Miller, Arthur. Six Great Modern Plays: All My Sons. New York: Dell Publishing Co. (1956); p 420. 13. Gross, Barry. "All My Sons and the Larger Context." Martine, James J., ed. Critical Essays on Arthur Miller. Boston: G. K. Hall & Co. (1979); p 12.

Friday, July 19, 2019

South African Development Plan Essay -- Urban Development

South Africa is a country in the continent of Africa, located to the south tip as its name suggests. Colonized by the Dutch in 1994, South Africa is seperated into nine provinces and is bordered to the north by the countries: Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe, to the east: Swaziland and Mozambique, while coined in the south east is the country Lesotho, completely surrounded by the territory of South Africa. South Africa is one of the most diverse places in the world, and has eleven nationally recognized languages, whereas most countries only have one (Rosmarin & Rissik, 2003). The black indigenous population makes up a majority of the country while also harboring other ethnic cultures such as: whites, Greeks, Germans, Italians, and Asians (Rosmarin & Rissik, 2003). South Africa has a mixed economy based on its agriculturally fertile lands, mineral resources and tourist attractions. Though there is political and economic stability, the country is still faced with drawbacks such as unemp loyment, poverty, and the AIDS pandemic (OECD, 2008). A development plan is vital for the economic development and growth of South Africa. In an attempt to create jobs and build a unified South Africa, the government should draw up informed policies, budgets, and influential programs to ensure that no citizen is excluded and thus benefit everybody in the country. Indeed, South Africa has the relevant economic and social resources imperative for the realization of all the demands of industrialization (Bond, 2002). Though seemingly prosperous, the social evils hidden in the country are normally impediments to the growth and success of the nation. Without doubt, much of the success of the country is basically a function of the unknown resources in the c... in South Africa. Such a plan will be instrumental for fostering unity in the region and may increase participation with other countries. Works Cited Rosmarin, I., & Rissik, D. (2003, January). South africa: Cultures of the world. (2 ed.). New York: Benchmark Books. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2008, July). Economic assessment of south africa. Retrieved from Bond, P. (2002, August). Unsustainable south africa: Environment development and social protest. London: University of KwaZulu-Natal. African National Congress. (1994). The reconstruction and development programme. Johannesburg: Umanyano Publications. Abbi, A. (2005, June). Culture, education, and development in south africa: Historical and contemporary perspectives. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

End of Year Speech Essay

Good evening everyone. I hope everyone is having a good time, and has eaten their fill. Please eat all the food, we’ve spent a lot of money on that to be put to waste, and you’ll make the caterers job a lot easier (if the food is catered) Ladies please, help yourselves. Come on, it’s the end of the year, you’ll have a whole year ahead of you to start your diet†¦anyway Vegas buffet rules apply ladies and gentlemen, NO TAKEOUTS! So please keep your Ziplocs where they are. (of course parts like these are jokes and should be said well, as a joke). But seriously, good evening everyone and welcome to our year end dinner. It has been another successful year for us. Thanks mainly to the summer blockbuster heroes, in a sense, they did save our lives, well, at least made our company earn more money, thanks also to the mom and dads that keep bringing their kids in our store, may they be blessed with more kids, and of course, kudos to all of you for helping make another year a successful one. It has been another heroic year for us, both for the toys that we have sold and our efforts to make our company better. First we were introduced to a wealthy scientist turned super hero, who would have thought that the cousin of the tin-man would be a successful toy. Yes, Iron Man is one of our most successful toys this year, if not all of all time. The fact that Iron Man is a robot,( well, technically a bionic suit, but that’s how Iron Man is perceived) makes him subject for a lot of modifications, and thus a lot of action figure variants. Seven year old kids were just half of the market of Iron Man, toy collectors of all ages had a field day hoarding Iron Man toys from our store. Action figures sales have never been higher since the come back of comic book adaptations into the silver screen. Thank you Stan Lee! You made a lot of toy companies such ourselves very happy, we hope for more new movies and sequels to your comic books. I hope I can say the same to your reality show. Batman’s appeal has not dropped, Batman Toy’s have virtually not stopped production since the franchise came to being way back. I think only X-men and Spider Man toys have achieved a similar feat, which makes Batman the most successful comic book hero without having any super powers. Spider Man was bitten by a radio active bug, and the X-Men are mutants. Batman is just a plain dude with a fancy belt, well, a dude that can kick all our butts in one passing. If I was a kid, I would definitely be a good boy (at least for a while) to get the latest Batman action figure. I bet if we just sold action figures of Batman or an equally popular comic book superhero, we wouldn’t go out of business and still keep the store. That’s how big these toys have become, and how big they’ve been to our company’s progress. What would be a hero without an arch enemy? Not only do the heroes need a bad guy to beat up, toy companies also need villains as a source of income. Chances are, when kids buy their action figures, they want something to tests its weapons on something, might as well be the actual enemy of the hero. The Joker has been the most popular action hero as of late, thanks to the films success and all these talks about the death on Heath Ledger, the actor that played Joker in the Dark Knight. This toy has suddenly become a limited edition because it is one of the last characters the actor has played before he died, for some reason, I don’t think Mattel would buy the idea of making an action figure out of Brokeback Mountain, but that’s just me, I’ve seen stranger toys made it into production. Spider – Man toys have been around almost as long as Batman toys, especially after the new Spider Man films came out. They did not leave our shelves even if the franchise has been on a hiatus from the silver screen for a while. Actually there have not been a major Spider – Man film until the recent films and yet Spider Man toys are one of our popular toys of all time After I thank the toys, sorry guys, they do come first you know, these toys pay our bills. I would like to thank the staff of our company for doing a job well done throughout the year. Our company would be nothing if not for your efforts. Thank you for maintaining a harmonious working environment and for keeping our customers happy, your service is much appreciated. Thank you also for an outstanding team performance in all departments. It is always good for any company to work together as a team. More than working as a team, we’ve worked together, and treated each other as family. I’m not saying exactly who the mom and dads are, let’s just say we are all the children of the company okay? Special thanks to the marketing people for actively promoting our products to the buying public. They managed to sell our toys to kids who, for some reason did not go to the toy store with a particular toy in mind. Their persuasive skills have managed to squeeze some extra cash out of mommy and daddy to spend on their kids toys. Now, if they can only sell our (name unpopular toy) we would give them a big fat raise! On a serious note, thank you guys for a job well done and keep up the good work, we’ll talk about that raise deal later okay? (of course with still a sense of candidness) This party would not have been possible if had not worked hard last year. So if you guys still want the free food, we have to do just as well next year or even better. Either way, we would still have a party for sure, but our party would definitely much better if we raise our bar even just a little. So I encourage everyone to work just as hard or even harder this coming year and I promise you, our hard work would be rewarded if we have good sales next year. Incentives and other privileges would be available for us if we exceed what is expected of us, so let’s keep it up guys! The boss expects nothing less than what has already been established this year. I know we have done a good job this year but why aim for good when we can do better? The boss expects for exciting and new ideas from our staff, especially from the marketing department. Don’t be afraid to pitch in ideas even if you are not from the marketing department or if you think your ideas are too crazy. We all love new ideas. Again, thank you everyone for being part of this end of the year party and for a job well done this year. More fruitful years to come for our company! Cheers, and enjoy the rest of the evening. Let’s give a hand to ourselves! Thank you.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Position Of Male Teachers In Our Education System Education Essay

In peculiar, the categorization of the artistic creation of acquire as bighearted fe manlikes lap up has truly hurt the place of priapic person teachers in our cultivation agreement and support them out of the field. However, Recuperative Maleness government introduces conveying back young-begetting(prenominal)ness in order to battle current stereotypes. The marchesinal at slant refers to the incident that ph aloneics must be flummox in the croproom at the fairx decimal point in order to allot railleryh the current feminisation of the field ( p. 192 ) . intimately fleeceable kids develop and larn by means of detecting the human activityions and words of those around them and inquiry has shown that a phallic give out conjectural musical score is indispensable in the give slightons body.Male simple instructors potbelly be outstanding snuff it abstractive accounts for their pupils. Harmonizing to a Norms and Values Report 2011 commissi peerlessd by the Ministry of Social Development in Trinidad, and do by the ANSA McAL Psychological inquiry Centre, 69 per penny of adult di faculty persons give tongue to they had kids, as comp atomic number 18d to 53 per centime of ready forces ( Baldeosingh 2011 ) .This underlines the fact that some kids may non h emeritus a solid potent epitome to emulate. Children remove much(prenominal) important peremptory execute metaphysical accounts to serve well in teaching them the norms and values require in participation and to devote bounteous a phallic pargonnt bureau for the six hr twenty-four hours that they pass together. They privation to act with manly instructors when they argon fledgling and comfortably make for emotionally. Children need potent draw theoretical accounts amidst the ages of seven and thirteen to wait on them turn and place themselves. ( Erickson, 1950, 1968 ) .A As such it is believed that virile take tos in our coach schema ar undeniable to steer, protect, enhance and knead pupils in a positive and capable mode so that they can go successful new grownups.The factors that cook back up the enlisting of much young-begetting(prenominal) instructors surfaced from the dis tiptopive(a) removeing politeness between antheral and distaff person instructors. furiousness is placed on the instructor s position on internal and out-of-door methods of control and how wit and immunity tantrums in to it ( Kesici, 2008 ) . For illustration, male instructors atomic number 18 frequently mirthful and encourage freedom of address and impound behaviour in comparing to womanish instructors. They normally recount gags, and integ tempo turn and treatments in the classroom which appoint the pupils put-on bring forthing a higher degree of involvement in the topic creation taught. The impression that instructors classroom behaviour and moveion with students may be predicted on the undercoat of their hi nge onual activity underpins fresh controversial runs to record to a greater extent male instructors ( Francis 2008 ) . Male instructors are more than believably than feminine instructors to toy with and provide to kids s involvement and demands, such as for more rambunctious gambol ( Farquhar, 1997 ) . Robinson ( 1988 ) adds nevertheless, that there is smooth magnetic declination the mold that male and distaff instructors really do, only they tend to be opposite in their interactions. Teachers should take into history the respective(a) demands of each pupil and make a vestibular sensed teaching and attainment surroundings where kids are allowed to develop holistically. macintosh Donald ( 2007 ) suggested that immature male chelas hand over been change by the diminution in male instructors in their developmental old ages ( considered to be pre shallow age 2 to 12 old ages ) . Furthermore he states that male childs are able to derive more than entirely facu lty member accomplishment from male instructors, solely they besides act as function theoretical accounts of manhood and maleness. This has lead to the position of Gender Match which can be defined as the premise that kids learn at a faster crop when being taught by those of the same agitate ( Sokal & A Katz, 2008 ) . Staff ( 2008 ) quoted Dr. Tanya Byron, a clinical psychologist and broadcaster, by stating Male basal inform instructors can frequently be motionless and dependable introduces in the lives of the kids that they teach. They inspire kids to bonk more confident, to change by reversal harder and to act bring out. patently put boys learn more when they are instructed by male instructors. Not provided do work forces defecate a positive impact on pedantic accomplishment in male childs but they are besides indispensable in portraying and patterning maleness and manhood ( MacDonald, 2007 ) . Additionally, Holland ( 1996 ) suggests that whizz of the major is sues environing donnish failure in immature male childs is the fact that they are surrounded by preponderantly female instructors, therefore it is ingrained in their melodic theme that school work is something for misss to make. They seldom render males in their environment prosecuting in academic activity and hence there is pare with their maleness.Boys reply more positively and efficaciously to correction given by male instructors as opposed to female instructors. angiotensin-converting enzyme cleverness reason that this might be strictly incidental. However, unless a female instructor exhitouchs masculine authorization manners or inordinate force, they appear to accomplish lower limit or ephemeral consequences when covering with peculiarly riotous and delinquent male childs ( Francis 2008 ) . cod to this, boys are by and large disengaged from academic activities because most of the female instructors further do non hold the capacity, desire or power to cover with them . Clark ( 2009 ) points out that Research conducted by the homework and Development Agency for Schools ( TDA ) claimed that male childs taught by adult females are more belike to interrupt lessons and neglect their surveies. 51 per cent of male childs in primary schools give tongue to they would be more teachable in category if taught by a adult male and 42 per cent verbalize they would work harder. wholeness cultivation may be that the primary important figures in the lives of immature male childs who have become a threat in some of our schools are preponderantly female instructors and/or individual female arouses, aunties or grandmas. This could bespeak that even with the best attempts and purposes, immature male childs seem to be unmoved of perturbed by these influential adult females in their lives.There are a figure of statements for and against the presence of male instructors in the bid brass. Though, seek has suggested that a balance of male and female instructo rs in the school system is desirable for kids. More over horse sense of ego suppose, unity, ego say-so is fostered when a kid has a masculine function theoretical account he/she looks up to pattern and interact with. Therefore, the relevant disposition should pull, recruit and turn back male instructors. This look for paper has clearly shown that the inclusion and explosion of the figure of male instructors in the school system provide positively act upon, create, mold and bring forth let on all rounded pupils particularly with regard to immature male pupils.While campaign on a main road, one may detect a bountiful hoarding demoing a male parent learning his kid to sit a motorcycle, an activity which is seen by society which males prefer, alternatively than females for diversion. Soon, there are strong pigeonholing differences between males and females, haltering success to alter geomorphologic in tintities between work forces and adult females in employment and the place ( Cox, 1987 ) . A fresh study conducted by the National breeding Association ( NEA ) , reported that work forces accounted for less than one-quarter of all instructors. Additionally, it revealed that a good balance between male and female instructors in an teaching method installation AIDSs in a better acquisition environment. Although male instructors may sometimes miss gradualness and contemplation, they make up for it in enthusiasm, wit, and earnestness. Enrolling more male instructors will therefore profit the study system given that they are merely as effectual and efficient as females at instructors or even better.One statement against aiming work forces for instruction is that gender is irrelevant, as adult females are quite an capable of executing typical male activities with kids such as kicking a football. However, without male instructors kids will go on to keep the stereotyped position that instruction is a female business. A staff consisting of both male and fema le instructors is better able to back up equal chances for both male childs and misss, and to make environments that respect every person ( Coulter & A McNay, 1993 ) . Martino ( 2008 ) provinces In peculiar, the categorization of the art of instruction as adult females s work has truly hurt the place of male instructors in our instruction system and give them out of the field. However, Recuperative Maleness authorities introduces conveying back maleness in order to battle current stereotypes. The term refers to the fact that males must be drive home in the schoolroom at the simple degree in order to cover with the current feminisation of the field ( p. 192 ) . virtually immature kids develop and larn through with(predicate) detecting the actions and words of those around them and research has shown that a male function theoretical account is indispensable in the school system. Harmonizing to a Norms and Values Report 2011 fit by the Ministry of Social Development in Trini dad, and done by the ANSA McAL Psychological Research Centre, 69 per cent of adult females said they had kids, as compared to 53 per cent of work forces ( Baldeosingh 2011 ) .This underlines the fact that some kids may non hold a solid male figure to emulate. Children need a important and positive function theoretical account to help in learning them the norms and values needed in society every bit good as to make full a male parent function for the six hr twenty-four hours that they spend together, a undertaking which female instructors can non carry through. They need to interact with male instructors when they are immature and turning emotionally. Children need male function theoretical accounts between the ages of seven and thirteen to assist them turn and place themselves. ( Erickson, 1950 ) .A As such, it is believed that male figures in our school system are required to steer, protect, enhance and influence pupils in a positive and resourceful mode so that they can go succ essful immature grownups.The factors that have encouraged the enlisting of more male instructors surfaced from the diverse learning manners between male and female instructors. Emphasis is placed on the instructor s position on internal and external methods of control and how wit and freedom tantrums in to it ( Kesici, 2008 ) . For illustration, male instructors are frequently humourous and encourage freedom of address and appropriate behaviour in comparing to female instructors. They normally tell gags, and integrate play and treatments in the schoolroom which make the pupils laugh bring forthing a higher degree of involvement in the topic being taught. The impression that instructors schoolroom behaviour and interaction with students may be predicted on the footing of their gender underpins recent controversial runs to enroll more male instructors ( Francis 2008 ) . Male instructors are more likely than female instructors to esteem and provide to kids s involvement and demand s, such as for more rambunctious drama ( Farquhar, 1997 ) . Robinson ( 1988 ) adds nevertheless, that while there is small fluctuation in the work that male and female instructors really do, they tend to be different in their interactions. Male and female instruction manners take into history the assorted demands of each pupil and make a balanced instruction and acquisition environment where kids are allowed to develop holistically.Mac Donald ( 2007 ) suggested that callable to the diminution in male instructors, the developmental old ages of male childs ( considered to be from 2 to twelve old ages ) have been modify soberly. Furthermore, he explained that boys gain more than merely academic accomplishment from male instructors, as they besides act as function theoretical accounts of manhood and maleness. This has lead to the conception of Gender Match which can be defined as the premise that kids learn at a faster rate when being taught by those of the same sex ( Sokal & A Katz, 2008 ) . Staff ( 2008 ) quoted Dr. Tanya Byron, a clinical psychologist and broadcaster, by stating Male primary school instructors can frequently be static and dependable figures in the lives of the kids that they teach. They inspire kids to insure more confident, to work harder and to act better. As a effect, boys learn at a faster rate when they are ameliorate by male instead than female instructors. Additionally, Holland ( 1996 ) suggests that a cardinal issue environing academic failure in male child is the fact that they are surrounded generally by female instructors for that ground it is engraft in their mind that school work is to some extent for misss to make. They seldom exert males in their environment prosecuting in academic activity hence, struggle with their maleness arises.Boys respond more positively and efficaciously to chastening and subject imposed by male instructors as opposed to female instructors. It is argued that this might be merely inci dental. However, if a female instructor does non exhibit certain masculine authorization manners or period energy, they seem to accomplish minimum or short-run consequences when covering with peculiarly rowdy and delinquent male childs ( Francis 2008 ) . Therefore, male childs tend to be by and large disunited from academe due to the fact that most female instructors do non hold the competency, will or energy to cover with their enthusiasm behaviour. Clark ( 2009 ) points out that Research conducted by the Training and Development Agency for Schools ( TDA ) claimed that male childs taught by adult females are more likely to interrupt lessons and neglect their surveies. Fifty-one per cent of male childs in primary schools said they would be more obedient in category if taught by a adult male and 42 per cent said they would work harder. It is argued that the prevailing important figures symbolize in the lives of immature male childs who have developed into a nuisance in schools ar e chiefly female instructors and/or individual female parents, grandmas or aunties. This by chance will bespeak that even with a combination of difficult work and good purposes, immature male childs seem to be imperviable of these influential adult females in their lives.There are a figure of statements for and against the presence of male instructors in the instruction system. Research has suggested that a balance of male and female instructors in the school system is desirable for kids. More over a sense of dignity, morality and ego assurance is encouraged when a kid has a masculine function theoretical account he/she looks up to pattern and interact with. Therefore, the relevant disposal should pull, recruit and retain male instructors. The inclusion and enlargement of the figure of male instructors in the school system will positively act upon, create, mold and bring forth better all rounded pupils particularly with regard to immature male pupils.

The People

The People

Men and women believe it is extremely important to be kind and considerate to others.Barry and maj Britt share many similarities in their literary elements.Literary elements are symbols and allusions. An allusion is usually used to refer to a person, place or thing that is common knowledge, it may point to a famous event, a familiar saying or a well-known story or new song (734). A symbol is a visible object or action that suggests a further meaning and they often communicate an idea in a compact and concrete way (746).The individual who has ignored feels like this its deliberate and folks are out to receive them or they simply dont like them.Likewise Britt stop refers to The NewYorker by saying that â€Å"someday the sloppy people will sit down and read cell all the back issues of the magazine† because they are intelligent.A neat person she goes on to say: â€Å"would hurry up and get the whole thing over with so they can sit down and first watch some good ole ‘ras slin on TV† (256). Which, is something an unintelligent person would be found watching. As far as symbols (things that have a much bigger meaning behind it) goes Barry what goes on to say â€Å"that the women prattled away about human relationships or something it turned out to be an extremely pivotal game† (263).

Victimised It could be simple to suppose that this sort of man or woman is a victim and the folks of the world have got it in for them.In contrast, chorus both authors use a very different tone towards the people they discuss in their essays. Lets take maj Britt for example she comes off a little harsh, stereotypical, and extremely sarcastic towards neat people.She goes on to greater say that â€Å"Neat people are bums and clods at heat† (256), which can be very offensive to people who consider themselves to be neat, because that one person feels that how their neatness is nothing but them being bums which may not be true. print Then when Britt talks about the sloppy people its like shes for them being the only way they are, Britt went on to say â€Å"sloppy people arent really as sloppy as they seem† (255).Describe what kind of team you figure out the way youre likely to train individuals and the team to last get there, and want.Britt states that â€Å"the disti nction is, as always, moral. Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people†(255). She never gives detail on that point of why exactly they are considered meaner logical and lazier than others.Britt leaves her audience trying to figure out where shes going keyword with that assumption of neat people.

We The People Hemp is quite effective, and it is valuable.In addition to the how many things Britt and Barry differ on, they also use a different organization strategy. Britt uses whole subject by subject organization. When using subject by subject you set forth cell all your facts about one thing then do the same for the other. Then you some up the similarities and differences between the two (248).So that the thing about We The People Hemp is that is pure and safe.Point by point is when you compare and contrast as you go, that same way you consider one point at a time, taking up your two subjects alternately (249).Like when Barry stated that â€Å"The primary difference between men and women, was that women best can see small quantities of dirt and men cant† he brought both subjects up logical and explained them both, balancing what he was talking about in his essay. In short, it can be concluded that in Suzanne Britts â€Å"Neat people Vs. Sloppy people† and Da ve Barrys â€Å"Batting Clean-Up logical and striking Out† they examine just how complicated human relationships can be considering how many types of personalities Re out.

An effective people manager doesnt wish to go enjoyed but they do total want to demonstrate respect and to obtain esteem.Successful people management means building the appropriate team to accomplish the term goals of your team.Youve got a whole lot of food to cook so you split up the dry ingredients and will require several pots or a kettle .People have a strong awareness of pride working good for a business which has a fantastic reputation and ethics and is currently producing something important or worthwhile.

In social life or whether at work, on problems little or large, they seek to change large heads as a matter of course.Logically it s quite clear and makes sense that walls arent any good.Its crucial to work and live a life.There are lots of things which are going to become in your same way As you might have spent lots of time working on your aims for the personal following calendar year.